He decided he would scrape up a little piece of grout to see how far down the grout was dirty. And what does he find? They used grey colored grout on the bathroom floor. No wonder we weren't getting anywhere! It was a relief and a pain all at the same time. [Physical pain for Bryant...he got sick because of the cleaners. :( ] We are trying to decide between regrouting the floor tile, but can't make a decision. Suggestions?
I believe this was our second or third batch of cleaner.
Bryant did try scrubbing the grout on the walls in the bathroom, and thank goodness they were done with white grout! They look great now!
According to HGTV, regrouting is next to impossible. They recommend leaving it as is or installing all new tile. :( You might ask someone at your favorite vew store tho (home depot..lol) maybe they can help. :)